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Private Capital

Private Capital refers to financing provided to companies that does not come from public markets, such as the sale of shares, bonds and other securities on the stock exchange, or from traditional institutional providers, such as the government or banks.

Types of capital raised

Capital raised from sources other than public markets and traditional institutions and in the form of equity investments is called private equity (PE). Capital from similar sources provided to enterprises in the form of a loan or other form of debt is called private debt. Private capital refers to transactions involving the whole capital structure, including PE and private debt.
Main actors in the sector
The players in the private capital sector can be broadly divided into two groups: Private investors and institutional investors. Private investors refer to companies operating in productive sectors, which are often interested in investing and acquiring shares in other companies as a result of strategic business decisions. Institutional investors, on the other hand, are entities, often investment funds, set up with the main objective of investing in other companies and making a profit from their profitability and performance. Depending on the type of company, the reference sector and the company's maturity, there are different institutional investors. The main ones are
  • Business angels,
  • Family offices,
  • Venture capital funds,
  • Private equity funds.
Discover now the advantages of Private Capital for your business!

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