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Never be the smartest person in the room.
If you are, then you're in the wrong room.

If you are wondering why you should rely on expert consultants for your business, the answer lies in these two sentences.

Our start-up coaching service

Designing, testing and bringing to market what customers really want is the goal of every entrepreneur. But often a good idea is not enough. There is a need for qualified advice, tailored to the needs of start-ups at whatever stage they are at. At Renovarum, we want to support and guide start-ups to help them grow and develop. For these reasons, we have relied heavily on the interdisciplinary skills of our team, to support start-ups in all phases of the life cycle: from the incubation of the business idea to the implementation of an appropriate exit strategy.

Analysis and validation of the business idea and definition of an MVP

Through the analysis of the most suitable technologies and strategies for the business activity, and with an accurate founder-market fit analysis, Renovarum helps you validate the business idea and define an MVP, i.e. a Minimum Viable Product, which is indispensable to test the idea's validity on the market.


Based on an accurate SWOT Analysis, Renovarum helps you to identify:
  • Strengths,
  • Weaknesses,
  • Opportunities
  • Threats
of your business idea. SWOT Analysis is very useful for:
  • defining and implementing the most appropriate marketing strategies;
  • define business objectives;
  • calculate the ROI that could result from alternative strategies.

Legal and economic-financial feasibility check

We can also help you to identify funding sources, working with you to identify the most appropriate institutional investors and the best strategies for successful funding. We can also provide legal and financial feasibility and intellectual property support.

KPI: definition, analysis and monitoring

The definition, analysis and monitoring of KPIs are essential to verify the progress of the implemented business strategies and, if necessary, to establish corrective measures to achieve consistently high returns. Each objective must be S.M.A.R.T.:
  • SPECIFIC (specific),
  • MEASURABLE (measurable),
  • ACHIEVABLE (achievable),
  • RELEVANT (relevant),

Business Planning n

The business plan is an essential document for setting up a business and includes: objectives, strategies, marketing, sales and financial forecasts, etc. A business plan helps to clarify your business idea and is used as
  • Internally: as a strategic guide
  • Externally: as a document to present to financial institutions or new partners when applying for equity or debt financing.
The business plan is also often used to apply for youth entrepreneurship funding.

Pitch Deck Drafting

It can be either a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) or a written document. In both cases, the pitch deck must be well structured and contain all the essential information to convince investors to finance the business idea.
The pitch deck slides: must be clear, concise and well illustrated to capture the attention of investors and convince them of the validity of the business idea
The written document must be logically structured and contain all the essential information to convince investors.
In both cases, particular attention must be paid to the quality of the information presented in order to convince investors of the soundness of the investment.

Strategic consulting for the definition of the organisational model

Our strategic consulting services to define the most efficient and agile organisational model and management control systems will help you make the best decisions to achieve your market objectives. Our experience and solutions will give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Assistance in finding funding sources

We can assist you in identifying sources of finance, enabling you to find the financial partner best suited to your needs and maximise the value of your business.
We will analyse the lifecycle of the business, its characteristics and management to assess all available options, such as institutional investors and financial instruments.
We will provide you with comprehensive support, both during the due diligence process and in the negotiation phase. In fact, we will conduct a founder-investor fit analysis to identify the best partners to enable your business to grow, both financially and strategically.
Rely on expert advice to get the most out of your business!

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